Students study PSHE because it acts as a bridge between home, school and society. It provides them with the knowledge, skills and experience to be able to thrive both in their academic careers and in their lives as adults. PSHE offers them a safe space to develop as learners and human beings, and to explore their own understanding of the world around them.
By the end of their time at a CET school, students will:
· …be able to form safe and loving relationships, recognising when those relationships are no longer appropriate, and able to respond accordingly. They should be comfortable with their own feelings and accepting of others, and aware of the diversity in approaches to relationships in those around them.
· …understand how to lead a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle, and how to address issues which might be affecting their own health. This includes diet, fitness, substance use, emotional wellbeing and first aid. They should also be able to recognise deteriorating health in other people, enabling them as supportive friends and partners in the future.
· …be introduced to the adult world, with a basic understanding of financial decision making, career prospects, family life and recognising and responding to prejudice. They will have explored their own strengths and developed their skills, allowing them to identify appropriate career paths and routes towards them. They will understand what the ‘world of work’ entails, with high aspirations about how they fit into the work environment.
· …know what the ‘British Values’ are, and why they are an important part of being a British Citizen. They will know what the Prevent strategy is, and why all of us play an important role in challenging and preventing extremism in all its forms.
· …know what support is available to them both in and out of school. This refers to physical and mental health, careers, relationships and support relating to potential criminal activity.
Underpinning the whole curriculum, the following values will be developed in students:
- Striving for success by focusing on Learning
- Learning with Pride
- Perseverence
- Respect
- Independence
- Determination
- Engagement
The core topics that underpin this intent are
- Relationships & Sex education
- Health Education
- Careers
- Living in the wider world
The PSHE Curriculum Map
(start from the bottom and work up!)